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Cut Your Electric Bill 50%: Solar Water Heater & Air Conditioning


Castillo Family Case Study

In 2008, a Solar Water Heater was installed by the FL Green Team for the Castillo family of Fort Myers, Florida.  The family of 4 lives in a 6,500 square foot home with a barrel tile roof.  Before installing a solar water heater, their electric bill totaled $500 per month.  After installing the solar water heater, their electric bills dropped as low as $288 in December and $395 in June!

In June of 2010, the Castillo family replaced their air conditioning systems with 18 SEER Rheem Air Conditioning units.  Air conditioning costs represent about 50% of a family’s monthly electric bill.  An inefficient air conditioning system can costs homeowners hundreds of dollars on their electric bill each month.  Also, parts and labors costs can quickly add up when constantly repairing a new unit.  After the air conditioning installation, their electric bills dropped again, as low as $200 some months!

This table provides a monthly breakdown of the Castillo Electric Bill.  The red box indicates the installation of a solar hot water heater and the blue box is when the upgraded air conditioning systems were added.

Can my family Cut our Electric Bill 50% with a Solar Water Heater and Air Conditioner?

First, homeowners should have a Home Energy Audit completed on their home.  Our State Certified Energy Raters will show you exactly where you are spending money in your home and provide cost effective solutions to make your home more efficient.  Since air conditioning represents about 50% of your monthly electric bill, this is typically addressed first.  We will help you decide if air conditioning replacement is right for your particular situation.

Water heating is the second largest portion of your monthly electric expenses, about 15-18% of your bill.  Replacing gas or electric water heating systems with a solar water heater can drastically reduce monthly expenses.  Currently, there is a FPL Solar Rebate that will pay you up to $1,000 for installing a new solar water heater for your home.  The Federal Government also offers a 30% tax credit to homeowners who install a solar water heater.

To learn how to Cut Your Electric Bill by 50%, please contact the FL Green Team or request an estimate.

The goal of the FL Green Team is to provide members of the Southwest Florida community with information to make their home more energy efficiency, comfortable and healthy through education, energy upgrades and innovative testing. Please click here to learn more about our company and services.

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